Year-Round Education Classes
Teen Improv
A 90 minute weekly class for teens and pre-teens
Price: $200
Dates: February 11 – March 25 (no class on February 18)
Times: Tuesdays 5–6:30 pm
Grades: 6–12
Register HERE!
Teens and pre-teens (grade 6–12) can join this fun new weekly Improv class, where we’ll dive into improvisation games, techniques, and ideas in a friendly and supportive environment. Learn to act in the moment, explore creativity, and be playful while picking up some great theater skills along the way! The class will include an open session for friends and caregivers on the final day.
Meet the Teaching Artist for Teen Improv:

Financial aid available for all Hangar Education programs. Click on the Scholarship Request Form link to receive aid!
We also offer the chance to purchase a class for a student as a pay-it-forward initiative. For additional questions or to contribute to our Pay-it-Forward fund, please email