Comp Policy

Hangar Theatre 2023 Complimentary & Discounted Ticket Policy


Company Member: Includes all Hangar Theatre full-time and part-time administrative, production, education, or front of house staff; actors; Lab Company; Drama League Directors; interns/fellows/apprentices

Creative Team: Includes show director(s); assistant director(s); music director; designers

Dress Rehearsal Viewing

All company members may attend the dress rehearsal of each production. Entrance provided for company members ONLY; additional guests are not permitted.

Opening Night Creative Team Seats

Each member of the creative team is eligible to receive up to two (2) complimentary tickets for the Opening Night performance of the production for which they serve. These tickets should be reserved in the same manner as the standard comp tickets.

Complimentary Ticket Policy

Each company member is entitled to two (2) complimentary tickets to one performance during the run of each production for which they are in residence. These tickets will be subject to availability and must be requested by filling out the Complimentary Ticket Request Form at least 24 hours in advance with the name you would like the tickets held under and your preferred performance date/time. Please note: your tickets are not reserved until you have received a confirmation email from the Box Office. Any comp tickets not claimed 30 minutes prior to showtime may be released for general public purchases.

Curtain Comps

In addition to your standard comps for each production, Curtain Comps are available to any company member day-of and are subject to availability. Curtain Comps are only for company members and MAY NOT be used for guests. Curtain Comp requests should be directed to the Company Manager.

50% Staff Discount Ticket Policy

All company members are eligible to purchase half-price tickets with a staff discount for themselves, family, or friends. These tickets may only be purchased by a company member through the Box Office at 607-273-2787 and must be paid for at time of purchase. There are NO refunds, credits, or exchanges for these tickets.

This complimentary and discounted ticket policy is valid for the 2024 season only.